[74] Titulescu received him at the Miramare Hotel, but talks between them were inconclusive.[72][75] According to Perpessicius, the failure was generated by the adversity other politicians had towards Caragiale. ...
Moar vacation time plezz?? Reply ? Menopaws says: August 15, 2007 at 9:36 am. Fur sum reesun this remind me of a movee (can't 'membr witch, tho) wher dis guy wit a gazillyon kittehs wuz at his desk riting wit teh ol style ink pen, ...
The Romanian Pentecostal Union shall own no interest in personal and real estate property any church. Each church, as an independent entity, is the sole owner of its assets and property. The involvement of the Romanian Pentecostal ...... Avem probleme si cu o parte destul de mare dintre frati romani din bisericile noastre, pentru faptul ca dintrun motiv sau altul, ignora situatia tinerilor si ca sa-si justifice nepasarea, ne cauta "nod in papura" spunand: "ca nu sunt ...